Dear Friends of Gougane Barra,
We hope you and your family are keeping safe and well.
Life in Gougane is very quiet without you.
We miss the company of our guests, the enthusiasm of our team, and the buzz of business.
We look forward to welcoming you back to Gougane Barra Hotel on June 2nd this year, in keeping with government guidelines for re-opening the country.
We recommend you book directly with us through our new website or on the phone.
We will be flexible with all direct bookings.
We encourage you to call us with any concerns or questions you may have on +353 26 47069 or email us on
In the meantime, keep up with our daily news on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
Gougane Barra remains a place of calm and serenity and is waiting for you to come back!
Be kind, be well and be safe,
Hope to see you soon,
Neil, Katy and Team Gougane Barra