Gougane Barra and Beyond...
Gougane Barra and Beyond...Gougane Barra...
Gougane Barra itself is a place rich in history and culture, and set in a spectacular landscape. From the hotel you can walk, cycle or fish while soaking up the magical atmosphere.
The following are all well within sight or walking distance of the hotel:
- Gougane Barra Lake, originally home to the mythical serpent Lú, banished by St. Finbarr, stretches for a mile along the valley floor, bounded on all sides, except the east, by precipitous mountains.
- The Derrynasaggart Mountains which ring the lake and forest park rise up all around, accessible from the forest park or oratory.
- The Coillte Forest Park offers walks for all levels of ability, among the sitka spruce, beside the winding infant River Lee or past waterfalls tucked into the mountainside.
- St Finbarr's Oratory and Cells , a place of veneration and pilgrimage, sit nestled on a tiny island in the lake reached by a short causeway.
- St Finbarr's Well and an ancient cemetery are both located near to the island, just next door to the hotel.
- Gaeltacht history is all around us. As one of Ireland's prominent Irish-speaking areas, this region was central in the Irish-language movement of the early twentieth century. Gougane Barra was home to the first ever Irish-language teaching college in the country, opened in 1903, and the Irish-language movement contributed significantly to Ireland's struggle for independence around a hundred years ago.
"One glimpse of that lake and the stone chapel at its edge and the greenery surrounding it is something akin to time travel."
And Beyond...
West Cork is a vibrant region just waiting to be discovered. The area boasts every type of landscape: craggy mountains, breath-taking coastal scenery, ancient forests, lakes, rivers...
There's plenty to explore nearby. West Cork is well known for its fabulous food experiences, literary links and rich history. Why not plan a day out in any of these wonderful areas - all within reach of Gougane Barra Hotel?
- Bantry and the Mizen Head and Sheep's Head Peninsulas
- The Beara Peninsula
- The Ring of Kerry and Dingle Peninsula
- Mcgillycuddy's Reeks and Killarney
- The Lee Valley and Cork City